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Can you Thank God for Your Pain?

Recently Greg Laurie shared an interesting perspective on pain.  He was listening at Stephanie Germanotta share about her journey with becoming closer to God.  She said some interesting things that I know we have been taught but did we really get it like she got it?  Read her statement, listen at what she learned. 

“I think my greatest spiritual awakening actually has been quite recent. I realize that I have the chronic pain that I have for a reason. I do believe that this happened for a reason, all of it. I think I was supposed to go through all of these things. I radically accept that they happened, and I think it happened because God was saying to me, I'm going to show you pain, and then you're going to help other people who are in pain, because you're going to understand it.”

I myself am in constant pain but I try not focus on that pain.  I try very hard just to live my life and keep moving and doing the things that I am supposed to do.  There are others who are in far worse shape than I am.  Somewhere they find the strength to keep going.  I had to really think and repent about this and I felt convicted because Stephanie had a good attitude. She said a few more things.

“When I talk to God, I say, tell me what to do. Tell me what to say. Tell me how to say it and help me see the path. And if you show me that path, I will walk down it.  So, my practice and my commitment is gratitude. Gratitude. Even in the midst of the pain, I do this all the time. I will be laying on my porch in pain, crying, and I will say, thank you, God, for this pain. Thank you. I surrender it to you. This pain is meant for me and my body right now. I'm here in this moment and I'm learning. Thank you for teaching me.”

I cannot honestly say that I have been grateful for the pain.  I know I want the pain to end.  Not only in my life but in the lives of those that I love. I am tired of its constant presence.  My thoughts about the pain were to just take it away.  I don’t think that ever thought teach me with this pain.  I never considered to have gratitude for my pain.  I don’t think I have ever thanked God for my pain nor have I ever given thought to what that means.  My perspective has changed and I see things differently now. I want to know what He is teaching me through this pain.  The pain didn’t go away but I feel connected to Him in a different way.  Only God can take something ugly and make it turn out for my good.  When it comes to your pain, are you thanking God for it?  Selah! 


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