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None Can Withstand you!

It is written that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that My son is Lord. I have not changed My mind and all those will soon see how powerful I am.

This is not the time to entertain doubt and unbelief. You must center yourselves on Me at all costs. I'm a God who knows what He's doing and I will continue to be about My agenda in this time. Suffer not yourselves to be concerned about the small things in this life. Concentrate on the things of My spirit and you will find that all will be well with your souls.

I told you a long time ago that there would be wars and rumors of wars. None of these things should concern you or cause you to be in fear. Should I decide to take you on home to be with Me then what have you lost? Not a single thing. My church has to be about My business. The hour is late and the gross darkness is getting darker.

My plan and My purpose will go forth no matter what. I created evil for purpose and I'm using evil to fulfill the purpose that I created it for. Do not be surprised at the gross darkness that you see in the days ahead around the world and in the nation in which you live America.

There's going be more violence, more bloodshed, and yes even more words of hate that will be brought forth in the coming days. None of these things change who I am. I'm a God who loves and a God who gets justice for His people. You will see Me avenging My son's blood in the short days ahead. My angelic army stands at the ready to do My bidding. Their swords are ready to exact My vengeance and they will not spare. Their will be no more intercession for those who have constantly come against My people. They will go forth and destroy all that is not of Me.

I have prepared those in the wilderness of affliction for many years. They are My people who have been tested in the fires and have not come up wanting. They understand what I am doing, and they are not afraid. They heard Me and they said that they will go with Me into this battle. You will see many false prophetic voices come forth and challenge them. Their challenges do not diminish My Words. My Words are forever etched in stone. They are My bloodline. I am protecting My bloodline. It shall come forth unscathed and unharmed. This is that which I have spoken of and I will enact all that is in My plans. Go forth Children and know that I am with you and none can withstand you.


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