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We Can’t See the Whole Picture… But God Does

We have never been able to lean upon our understanding and now is not the time to start this practice. We are a prophetic people and God tells us things. Some of the things are good and some are bad. There will be times in your walk with God that you must take the things that God shares with you and walk them out by faith. Even when things don’t make sense and even when you have a prophetic word on the situation. The reason for this is there are times when God only speaks a part of what He is doing to you. He is not doing this to hurt you but to help you grow in maturity in him.

When it comes to hearing from God, we must remember that we do not get the entire picture of what God is doing. We must also take into consideration that sometimes we think the piece that we have is the only piece. It is not. Often the piece we have is not enough for us to move forward in the task that God has set aside for us to work on. It is just a small portion of what is really going on. An often dangerous reality is that there are times we think we know what God is saying to us. We have a preconceived idea or perception that clouds what God really is doing. And when He speaks to us we superimpose this perception over what God is saying and we miss God. This is a hard thing. We have a relationship with God and are His friends but sometimes the reality of this friendship is that God does not share some things with us. The times that we live in right now require precision. They require a consistent intimacy with God. These are some of the dangers that come with the prophetic.

God is calling His people into a greater maturity. With this maturity comes the understanding that even though God speaks to you and shows you some things that are going to happen. You do not have the whole picture. This is a tough pill for some people to swallow. But God has His purposes for everything. Some of this is for the purpose of us walking in faith, and not with our sight. Sometimes God is silent in our situations because He wants you to not get in the middle of His business. We must remember this in this hour. There are some questions that God is not ready to answer in this season. You have to be ok with this. We need to give God the ability to be God. We need to trust that He knows what is best.

8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. [1 Corinthians 13: 8 – 9; 11 – 12 {NKJV}]

When Paul wrote these words by the Spirit it was a warning to us. He was trying to show us the ways of the Spirit. He was trying to warn us to always be dependent upon the Spirit. Put this at the forefront of your Spirit man when God starts speaking to you. This can save you a lot of heartache in the prophetic.

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